This was one of the sweetest couples I have got to work with ever!! They were both laid back and so open to ideas it was great!!! The wedding day went flawless and The Montelucia was awesome to work with!! Here is a look into their wedding... All pictures were taken by One Fine Day Photography! Sweet Good night treat for the guests as they left were done by Modern Cupcake! The Montelucia has awesome places for taking pictures all over their property The Ballrooom was breath taking! This flower girl was hilarious and blew out random candles on her walk down the aisle lol now normally the old me would actually NOT liked that, but I suppose since having 2 toddler boys I have "lightened up" lol Their "reveal" moment
Well not really, but its still huge!!!! I don't even know what to say but today we were featured in 2 well known blog posts done by 3 Little Birds and The TOMKAT Studios!!! We are beyond excited!!!! Take at look at their posts...
Owl Love You Forever had their 1st "Box Making Event" kick off, and it turned out perfect!!! A group of amazing ladies sewed 200 sets of blankets and custom owls that were too cute for words while everything else was donated--including vendors to help make their launch party spectacular!!! Modern Cupcake, The Cake Bizzle, Jackie Lindfors Photography, & The TomKat Studio all helped make this night AMAZING--so thank you for your generosity and time as well!!! I had so much fun being able to help put the "party" part together--I will let the pictures show what went on at the event!!! Every box had a candle--go to Owl Love You Forever to see why Check in Amazing cupcakes with toppers designed by TomKat Possibly the cutest cake I have seen to date--and I have seen A LOT!!!! Each box was topped off with a owl on top The girl boxes had custom bows because every sweet girl should have a bow! Walking the stations and filling up boxes ready to be filled Jill form Modern Cupcake with me--love this girl--and how nice that she came to help too!! Shayla the person behind Owl Love You Forever!!!! All the people who helped! Shayla about to give away an owl to whoever made the most boxes... We have a winner--she made 9 complete boxes! 200 total boxes were made--can you imagine touching 200 Mommy's & Daddy's lives??? Dessert time! Shayla & Arie--read their story here